Old Spain City Hunt

Team Scavenger & Treasure Hunts In Spain

Our City Hunts

What is a City Treasure Hunt? How It Works

Out City Treasure Hunts are all great ways to discover the historical centres of some of the most important towns and cities in Spain.

The routes are all based in the old town historical centres and bring together the many themes of Spanish history that stretches back 3,000 years to the Iberian tribes and the early Phoenician traders.

Romans, Visigoths, Beber tribes and Moorish armies have all left a deep but sometimes hidden mark in Spain´s long and rich history.

We have designed treasure and scavenger hunt routes that make for a great fun and memorable way of bringing the past back to life and helping piece together the enigma that is Spain.

Ancient fortesses, majestic palaces, holy monasteries and hidden medieval walls and religious relics adorn our routes for a perfect teambuilding or fun group activity in Spain.  

Our Spain City Treasure Hunts are all researched and prepared by our local teams – we have an all Spain network that brings together all the destinations that we offer under one roof.

Our routes are typically around 3 hours in duration and the routes are prepared by us as a fun challenging and memorable team activity.

The challenges along the way allow the teams to work out the best route to complete the route and along the way discover Spain´s many hidden secrets and uncover some fascinating corners of local history and culture. 

All are activities start with a City Hunt briefing, where we divide the group into competing teams and set out the objectives of the hunt.

The teams will all have a set of questions, challenges and tasks to complete the route – all require some teamwork, thought and planning in order to be the winning team.

Along the way we typically have monitors – some of whom are dressed in Spanish period costume ( Cervantes, bullfighters, flamenco dancers and other characters from Spain´s long and rich history – to enhance the event and bring the past to life.

The teams will have a variety of tasks and challenges to complete the route, including retrieving information, finding people or information, finding clues, taking team photos, overcoming obstacles, answering riddles in ancient monuments, and much much more.

All activities have a deadline to finish by and where we have a fun session going through the answers and uncovering the riddles and clues to reveal the winning team – all over some refreshing tapas and wine to help bring a fun and memorable team activity to a close – with prizegiving  and round of applause finale!

Discover The Secrets Of Old Spain

Let Your Team Discover The Many Secrets Of Old Spain With Our Fun